(As Adopted September 26, 2020)


The mission of this lodge is to fulfill the purpose of the Order of the Arrow as an integral part of Scouting through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.


A. The name of this lodge of the Order of the Arrow, Scouting America (hereafter referred to as “The Order” or “OA”), shall be TI’AK, derived from the language of the Choctaw Indians, meaning “Tall Pine Tree” or “Place Where Tall Pines Grow.” The official calling shall be TI’AK LODGE #404 (hereafter referred to as “The Lodge”).

B. The Lodge shall be affiliated with Pine Burr Area Council #304, Scouting America (hereafter referred to as “The Council”), and shall be under the supervision of The Council camping or program committee and the administrative authority of The Council Scout Executive.

C. The Lodge shall be subject to the recommendations of the National Order of the Arrow Committee, as set forth in the current edition of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers


A. The totem of The Lodge (hereafter referred to as “Lodge Totem”) shall be the Pollinating Pine Burr, or Pollinating Pine Cone. The appearance of the totem shall be a brown pine burr standing upright with ten green pine needles (five from each side) protruding from the bottom of the pine burr pointing upwards, surrounded by yellow pollen. The pine needles in the totem represent the growth of Scouting in The Council while the seeds of the burr are representative of Pine Burr Area Scouts. The yellow pollen represents the Spirit of Scouting as well as the Spirit of the Order of the Arrow.

B. The Lodge shall issue an official lodge flap to be available to members in good standing. The design of the official lodge flap shall be chosen by the Lodge. The official lodge flap shall be worn by members in good standing on the right pocket flap of the official Scouting field uniform.

C. The Lodge may authorize the issuance of other lodge flaps, patches, neckerchiefs, or other paraphernalia and memorabilia for sale to members of The Order in good standing or for fundraising functions of The Lodge.

D. Any special edition lodge flap may only be worn for one year from the date of the event for which the special edition lodge flap was issued.

E. The Lodge Totem, Ti’ak #404, WWW, and BSA, Scouting America or Scouts, BSA or the Fleur-di-lis shall be displayed on all flaps, patches, neckerchiefs and all other memorabilia of The Lodge.



1. Supreme Chief of the Fire – Within The Council, the Scout Executive is the final authority over The Order and The Lodge. For this reason, the Scout Executive holds the title of Supreme Chief of the Fire.

2. Lodge Adviser - Each year, the Scout Executive appoints an adult volunteer to serve as the Lodge Adviser. As Deputy Supreme Chief of the Fire, the lodge adviser acts on behalf of the Scout Executive in guiding the day-to-day affairs of the lodge.

3. Lodge Staff Adviser – The Scout Executive can elect to appoint a member of The Council professional staff to this position. The Staff Adviser, as Chief of the Fire, acts on behalf of the Scout Executive in giving guidance to the Lodge Adviser and The Lodge leadership. With support and counsel from the Scout Executive, it is the Staff Adviser's role to see that The Lodge adheres to national policy.


The Lodge Executive Committee (hereafter referred to as the “LEC”) shall be responsible for all regular Lodge business.

1. The LEC shall be comprised of the following Lodge members:

a. Five elected Lodge Officers

b. Immediate Past Lodge Chief

c. Chapter Chiefs

d. Chapter Advisers

e. Lodge operating committee chairpersons

f. Lodge operating committee advisers

g. Lodge Adviser

h. Lodge Staff Adviser

i. Scout Executive

2. Voting members of the LEC shall be comprised of only youth members in good standing from those designated members listed in Article III, Section B, Item 1.

3. Lodge Executive Committee Meetings

a. The LEC shall hold meetings on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 2:00 pm at Camp Tiak, or at any other date, time, and location as decided by the LEC.

b. The Lodge Chief shall prepare an agenda for each LEC meeting at least ten (10) days prior to each scheduled LEC meeting and submit to the Lodge Advisor for review and approval.

c. The Lodge Secretary shall send an announcement with the date, time, and location of each LEC Meeting along with the approved agenda to all members of the LEC at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting.

d. Special meetings of the LEC may be called by the Lodge Chief and/or the Lodge Adviser.

e. For official business to be conducted by the LEC, a quorum of voting LEC members must be present. A quorum shall consist of at least three-fifths of the Lodge Officers and at least one-half of the Chapter Chiefs. Any voting tie shall be broken by the Lodge Chief, or in the event of the absence of the Lodge Chief, the Lodge Chief designee.

f. The Lodge Secretary shall prepare a report of the minutes (all discussions, considerations, and actions taken by the LEC) of each meeting and provide to the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser for review. After review, the Lodge Secretary shall distribute this report to all Lodge members in good standing.


1. Officers of The Lodge shall be elected annually to serve a one year term.

2. The term of office shall begin on January 1 and extend through December 31 of the year following the election.

3. Lodge Officer Positions

a. Lodge Chief

b. Lodge First Vice-Chief

c. Lodge Second Vice-Chief

d. Lodge Secretary

e. Lodge Treasurer

4. These elected officers must be under twenty-one years of age for their entire term of office.

5. Installation of lodge officers shall be held at a time and place as determined by the LEC and prior to the beginning of the term of office to be filled.


1. The Lodge will be formally divided into chapters and shall maintain such structure as approved by The Lodge and the Scout Executive.

2. A Chapter shall operate within each district of The Council as each is identified by the Scout Executive.

3. A Chapter may hold activities for the promotion of the good and welfare of the members of the district in which it operates and for the furthering of the purpose of the Order of the Arrow with the approval of the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.

4. Each Chapter shall determine their own name and totem with the approval of the Lodge.

5. Each Chapter shall select its own officers to include at least a Chapter Chief, Vice- Chief, and Secretary-Treasurer in a manner as determined by the Chapter Adviser. If a Chapter Chief is not selected by a Chapter, the Lodge Chief shall appoint one after receiving a recommendation from that chapter’s Adviser and gaining approval of The LEC.

6. The LEC may inactivate a chapter if it does not have an Adviser appointed by the District Executive for the district or area the Chapter represents.


1. There shall be at least four regular business meetings of The Lodge each year.

2. The date, time, and location of these meetings are to be determined by the LEC and can occur at the time of any gathering of the entire Lodge membership.

3. A special called business meeting can be scheduled at the direction of the Lodge Chief and approved by the LEC.


The requirements and procedures for induction and membership in The Order and The Lodge shall be as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.


1. Ordeal Membership

a. Ordeal membership shall be as defined in accordance with the requirements as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

b. The following shall be presented to new members once induction in The Order is complete:

i. Order of the Arrow Ribbon Device`

ii. Order of the Arrow Ordeal Sash

iii. Order of the Arrow Handbook

iv. Order of the Arrow Membership Card

v. Current issue of the Ti’ak Lodge Ordeal Flap

vi. Most recent publication of The Lodge Brotherhood Questionnaire

2. Brotherhood Membership

a. Brotherhood membership shall be as defined in accordance with the requirements as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

b. Attainment of Brotherhood membership shall be in accordance with the

requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

c. The following shall be presented to new Brotherhood members once induction as a Brotherhood member is complete:

i. Order of the Arrow Brotherhood Sash

ii. Current issue of the Ti’ak Lodge Brotherhood Flap

iii. Order of the Arrow Brotherhood Membership Card

3. Vigil Honor

a. The Vigil Honor shall be as defined in accordance with the requirements as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

b. Attainment of the Vigil Honor shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

c. The following shall be presented to New Vigil members once induction as a Vigil Honor member is complete:

i. Order of the Arrow Vigil Sash

ii. Current issue of the Ti’ak Lodge Vigil Flap

iii. Vigil Honor Certificate

iv. Vigil Honor Membership Card


1. A membership fee (hereafter referred to as “Lodge Dues”) will be assessed annually to all eligible members.

2. The amount of the Lodge Dues will be determined by the LEC and reviewed annually.

3. Lodge Dues will be collected by the Lodge Treasurer, or other such members as authorized by the Lodge.

4. To be considered a “member in good standing,” the Lodge Dues must be paid each year by December 1st to cover membership for the following calendar year.

5. Only members in good standing of the The Order will be allowed to purchase Lodge flaps, neckerchiefs, or any other Lodge paraphernalia or merchandise.

6. Only members in good standing will be allowed to participate in OA Lodge events, participate in OA Section events, and participate in OA National events.

7. A member not in good standing may be restored to good standing by paying the current year’s dues. The member will then be considered a member in good standing.



1. Only youth members in good standing shall be eligible for nomination for a lodge officer position.

2. To be eligible for nomination, a youth member in good standing is required to attend and complete Lodge Leadership Development training prior to any nomination for Lodge office.

3. Youth members in good standing who wish to be considered as a candidate for a lodge officer position must complete the Lodge Officer Candidacy Petition (hereafter referred to as “Nomination Petition”), attached as Exhibit “A”, signed by a parent/guardian, the unit leader for which the prospective candidate is an active registered member, the chapter adviser for which the prospective candidate is an active member, and the Lodge Adviser. The Nomination Petition should be submitted to the Lodge Chief at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time of the election.

4. Any youth member in good standing who wishes to be considered as a candidate for a lodge officer position must be publicly nominated by another youth member in good standing during the lodge business meeting immediately preceding the election.

5. The nomination must be publicly accepted by the prospective candidate.


1. The election of officers shall be held during the last scheduled Lodge business meeting held toward the end of the Lodge calendar year.

2. The election process shall begin with Lodge Chief, shall proceed to Lodge First Vice-Chief, Lodge Second Vice-Chief, Lodge Secretary, and Lodge Treasurer, in that order.

3. Any candidate for a Lodge office must be present at the meeting at the time of the election unless previous approval of an absence is granted by the Lodge Adviser.

4. Only those youth members in good standing present at the meeting at the time of the election shall be eligible to vote.

5. Each youth member in good standing present at the meeting at the time of the election is entitled to one vote per position.

6. In the event an approved candidate for a specific office is defeated in an election, that approved candidate may run for a lower office in that year’s election subject to Article V, Section A, Item No’s 4 and 5.

7. To determine a winner for each elected position:

a. Votes shall be cast by secret ballot

b. Each chapter shall convene during the business meeting to collect the votes of each of its youth members in good standing.

c. Each Chapter Chief, or its designee, shall count the votes collected from its members in view of all chapter members.

d. Each chapter shall have one vote to cast for each position being decided in an election.

e. If a chapter has more than twenty (20) youth members in good standing present at the meeting at the time of the election, an additional vote (votes) shall be granted to that chapter and for every ten (10) youth members in good standing present at the meeting at the time of the election above twenty (20), one additional vote shall be granted to that chapter. (Example: Ayupka Chapter has 43 youth members in good standing present at the meeting at the time of the election. Ayupka Chapter has 3 votes it can cast for a candidate for lodge office. One vote is granted for its first twenty (20) members, one vote is granted for members twenty-one through thirty (21-30), and one vote is granted for members thirty-one through forty (31-40).

f. Multiple votes held by a chapter cannot be split by the chapter. All votes held by a Chapter must be cast for a single candidate.

g. To determine how a Chapter casts its allotted vote(s), all individual votes collected from youth members in good standing present at the meeting at the time of the election shall be counted. The candidate who receives at least 50% plus one of the votes cast shall be awarded that Chapters allotted vote(s). In the event no candidate receives at least 50% plus one of the votes cast, a run-off election shall be held. If after a run-off election is held there is still no candidate who has received 50% plus one of the votes cast, the current Chapter Chief of that Chapter shall be granted one additional vote to cast to determine which candidate is awarded the Chapter vote(s).

h. In the event no candidate is nominated to fill a position for a lodge office, the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser may appoint a youth member in good standing to fill the vacant position subject to the terms of Article V, Section A, Item No’s 1, 2, and 3.



1. The Lodge Chief is responsible for the proper function of The Lodge.

2. The Lodge Chief shall preside over all meetings of The Lodge.

3. The Lodge Chief shall attend all Lodge Key Three Meetings.

4. The Lodge Chief shall serve as a member of all operating committees.

5. The Lodge Chief shall coordinate the function of all other Lodge officers and may appoint a stand–in for an event or meeting in the absence of an officer.

6. The Lodge Chief shall represent The Lodge at any meeting or gathering of the Order of the Arrow Southern Region Section of which The Lodge is a member.


1. The Lodge First Vice-Chief, in the absence of the Lodge Chief as approved by the Lodge Adviser, shall preside over any Lodge meeting or event.

2. The Lodge First Vice-Chief shall oversee The Lodge Unit Elections Operating Committee and The Lodge Camping Promotion Operating Committee.

3. The Lodge First Vice-Chief shall be responsible for The Lodge “Where to go Camping Guide” and other Camp Promotional materials.

4. The Lodge First Vice-Chief shall ensure annual unit membership elections are held and that camp promotion visits are made to each unit in the Council as set forth in the current edition of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

5. The First Vice-Chief shall function as directed by the Lodge Chief.


1. The Lodge Second Vice-Chief, in the absence of both the Lodge Chief and the Lodge First Vice-Chief as approved by the Lodge Adviser, shall preside over any Lodge meeting or event.

2. The Lodge Second Vice-Chief shall oversee The Lodge Communications Operating Committee.

3. The Lodge Second Vice-Chief shall ensure that The Ti’ak Chief newsletter is published four times a year.

4. The Lodge Second Vice-Chief shall be responsible for communications sent from

The Lodge and administer any social media presence The Lodge elects to maintain.

5. The Second Vice-Chief shall function as directed by the Lodge Chief.


1. The Lodge Secretary shall oversee The Lodge Membership Operating Committee.

2. The Lodge Secretary shall keep an accurate permanent record of all business transacted at all meetings of the Lodge, the LEC, and Key 3.

3. The Lodge Secretary shall carry on the Lodge correspondence, including distribution of the LEC agenda.

4. The Lodge Secretary shall keep and maintain accurate records of members in good standing.

5. The Lodge Secretary shall maintain a current inventory of all lodge assets and their condition.

6. The Lodge Secretary shall function as directed by the Lodge Chief.


1. The Lodge Treasurer, under the supervision and with the assistance of the adviser to The Lodge Finance Operating Committee, shall collect all membership fees, assessments and money of the Lodge and keep an accurate and permanent record.

2. The Lodge Treasurer shall keep an accurate written record of all payments made by each member and give a written receipt for such funds as requested.

3. The Lodge Treasurer shall maintain a current inventory of all lodge trading post items.

4. The Lodge Treasurer shall function as directed by the Lodge Chief.


1. All Lodge Officers must perform the duties of their respective office as defined.

2. Each Lodge Officer position shall be appointed an adult adviser by the Lodge Chief as approved by the Lodge Adviser.

3. All Lodge Officers must attend a minimum of 75% of all LEC meetings, Lodge meetings and Lodge activities.

4. In the event a Lodge Officer is unable to attend an LEC scheduled meeting, event, or activity, they must notify the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.

5. Lodge Officer Removal

a. Any Lodge Officer unable or unwilling to perform the duties of their respective office may be removed from said office.

b. The decision to remove any officer shall be made by the entire voting membership of the LEC.

c. At least two-thirds of the voting members of the LEC must approve the decision to remove an officer from their position.

d. A decision by the LEC to remove any officer from their position must then be approved by the Lodge Staff Adviser and Lodge Adviser.

e. In the event any officer is removed from their position, the Lodge Chief, with the approval of the Lodge Adviser, may appoint a youth member in good standing to fill that unexpired term, subject to Article V, Section A, Item No’s 1, 2, and 3.


Inductions for Ordeal, Brotherhood and Vigil Honor candidates shall be held on dates set by the LEC upon the recommendation of The Council Service and Activities Committee.


1. The recognition of Ordeal Candidates, or Calling Out, shall be conducted as recommended by the National Order of the Arrow Committee.

2. The induction of Ordeal Candidates shall be conducted as recommended by the National Order of the Arrow Committee.

3. The use of Elangomats as part of the Induction Process shall be as recommended by the National Order of the Arrow Committee.

4. Each Chapter shall provide at least one Elangomat for every eight (8) candidates being inducted by that Chapter.

a. Upon successful induction of the Ordeal candidates assigned to an Elangomat, the first piece of the special issue Ti’ak Lodge Elangomat Flap will be awarded to the Elanagomat.

b. The second piece of the special issue Ti’ak Lodge Elangomat Flap shall be awarded to an Elangomat who is able to have at least 50% of the Ordeal candidates assigned to them at Ordeal attain Brotherhood member status within one year of those Ordeal members induction.

c. Any youth member in good standing who volunteers to serve as an Elangomat for the Ordeal candidates from their Chapter shall attend that Ordeal at no cost.


1. The induction of Brotherhood Candidates shall be conducted as recommended by the National Order of the Arrow Committee.

2. A study guide for the Brotherhood questionnaire shall be made available to each Ordeal member in good standing.

3. The study guide and Brotherhood questionnaire shall be reviewed annually by the Lodge Inductions Committee to ensure all information within is up to date.


1. The recognition of Vigil Candidates shall be conducted as recommended by the National Order of the Arrow Committee.

2. The Vigil Honor Call-Out shall be conducted at a suitable public occasion as recommended by the Vigil Nominating Committee.

3. The induction of Vigil Candidates shall be conducted as recommended by the National Order of the Arrow Committee.



1. Every member in good standing should serve on one or more committees.

2. Chapter operating committee chairman shall serve on the respective Lodge committees.

3. All operating committees shall be permanent committees of The Lodge.

4. The Lodge Chief, with approval of the Lodge Adviser, shall appoint a chairman for each operating committee. Chairmen shall be under twenty-one years of age for the duration of their term of service on a committee.

5. The Lodge Adviser shall appoint a Committee Adviser to all committees in consultation with the Lodge Chief and with the approval of the Lodge Staff Adviser.

6. All operating committees shall prepare and present a written progress report to the LEC upon their request.


1. Lodge Service Committee: The Service Committee shall develop a program of service activities and projects to be completed by The Lodge. This committee shall develop plans for these activities and projects and submit to the LEC for approval.

2. Lodge Activities Committee: The Activities Committee shall develop plans for membership meeting activities for the lodge each year and is responsible for carrying them out.

3. Lodge Unit Elections Committee: This committee shall fall under the direction of the First Vice-Chief. The Lodge Unit Elections Committee shall send out information to unit leaders regarding membership election procedures, shall organize and train election teams, shall schedule visits of election teams to units, and record results of elections.

4. Lodge Ceremony Committee

a. The ceremony committee shall be responsible for maintaining three well rehearsed teams:

i. Pre-Ordeal Ceremony team

ii. Ordeal Ceremony team

iii. Brotherhood Ceremony team

b. It is recommended that each major speaking part for each ceremony have an understudy.

c. The Ceremony Committee shall be responsible for the storage and maintenance of the regalia and ceremony equipment of The Lodge.

d. The Ceremony Committee shall be responsible for the ceremony site and ensure it is properly maintained.

5. Vigil Honor Committee

a. The Vigil Honor committee shall be responsible for maintaining a well rehearsed Vigil Ceremony team.

b. It is recommended that each major speaking part for the Vigil Ceremony have an understudy.

c. Vigil Honor Nominating Sub-Committee:

i. The Vigil Honor Nominating Sub-Committee is an Ad Hoc Committee.

ii. This committee shall be composed of the Lodge Adviser or his designee, the Vigil Honor Committee Chair, and one youth member in good standing from each Chapter within The Lodge.

iii. Each youth member shall be appointed by their Chapter Chief and approved by the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.

iv. These youth need not be Vigil Honor members but must be knowledgeable of the Vigil Honor and The Order.

v. The youth may not be on the Vigil Honor Nominating Sub-Committee if they are eligible for the Vigil Honor.

vi. The youth members of the Vigil Honor Nominating Sub-Committee, by majority vote, will determine selection for Vigil

Honor Membership.

vii. The Vigil Honor Nominating Sub-Committee shall be organized 30 days prior to the selection of Vigil Honor Candidates. Any tie vote shall be broken by the committee chair.

viii. The meeting to select the Vigil Honor Candidates shall be held at the same event as the last scheduled Lodge business meeting of the calendar year.

6. Lodge Membership Committee: This committee operates under the direction of the Lodge Secretary. The membership committee shall keep and maintain accurate records of members in good standing. The committee shall reach out to inactive members to promote participation within The Lodge. This committee shall notify Ordeal members of their eligibility of Brotherhood membership.

7. Lodge Camping Promotion Committee: This committee operates under the direction of the Lodge First-Vice Chief. The camping promotion committee shall develop a plan for camping promotion in consultation with the council camping committee. This committee shall develop a plan for the promotion of Camp Tiak for summer camp and for winter camp. This committee shall develop promotion helps such as the “Where to go Camping Guide”, visual aids, color slides and movies or videos of camping activities.

8. Lodge Communications Committee: This committee operates under the direction of the Lodge Second Vice-Chief. This committee shall prepare lodge newsletters, social media campaigns, develop and maintain lodge websites, organize and operate the network of OA Unit Representatives to keep units informed, and promote participation in OA events and activities.

9. Lodge Finance Committee: This committee shall operate under the direction of the Lodge Treasurer. This committee shall draw up an annual budget based on administrative and program needs, obtain information from the council service center, issue regular finance reports, and be responsible for maintaining the financial status of the lodge. All Lodge funds shall be administered by the professional staff at The Council Service Center and in accordance with normal Council accounting procedures.

10. Lodge Inductions Committee: This committee shall plan and administer Ordeals, recruit and train Elangomats and Nimats, administer the Brotherhood hike, and conduct new member orientations.

11. Lodge Leadership Development Committee: This committee shall plan an annual conference to build members’ leadership and job-specific skills, and coordinates continued leadership training throughout the year based on current lodge needs.

12. Ad Hoc Committees: These are temporary committees formed for a special onetime purpose. These committees will be formed by the Lodge Chief, with the approval of the Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser, and will be dissolved when the purpose of the committee has been accomplished.


The Lodge may elect to maintain a presence on any of the widely accepted social media platforms available to the general public that are free of charge. The LEC shall select and approve any social media platform(s) to be officially used by The Lodge. These selected platforms are to be used for promoting the purposes of the Order of the Arrow and Ti’ak Lodge #404 and to aid the communication process with Lodge members to keep them updated on activities and events within The Lodge and The OA. All social media platforms shall be administered by the Lodge Communications Committee and fall under the direction of the Lodge Second Vice-Chief. To ensure that BSA Youth Protection Guidelines are followed, at least two adult Lodge members in good standing will hold administrator status to any social media platform created. The adult members shall be the Lodge Adviser and the adviser to the Lodge Communications Committee.


Any amendment to these Lodge Rules may only be approved by a vote of the Lodge youth members in good standing at an LEC scheduled Lodge business meeting. All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the LEC for consideration. Any proposed amendment approved by the LEC shall be submitted to Lodge membership for consideration in writing at least 30 days prior to the date of the business meeting in which the youth membership is to vote on the proposed amendment. Amendments to the Lodge Rules must be approved by at least two-thirds of the youth members in good standing present at an LEC scheduled lodge business meeting.